Coaching & DEI Consulting

Laura Odongo, University of Virginia PhD Candidate

Coaching Services

Dr. Tim provides resources and services to address the academic and professional needs of BIPOC scholars as they navigate the ivory tower. Whether it's assisting with graduate school applications, editing and revising personal statements and CV/resumes, providing interview preparation, and offering advising for every step of the scholar’s academic journey. Dr. Tim provides each client the tools necessary to develop and implement a plan for success.

DEI Consulting Services

Dr. Tim assists his clients with assessing and addressing institutional diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) through identifying, custom-building, and developing strategies to achieve organizational change and professional growth. His goal is to ensure your strategy is tailored to advancing your organizational DEI needs as well as equipping you with tools and resources to implement and track the success of your organization.

Multiphase Approach:

  • Survey, assess, audit, and benchmark your organization DEI journey to understand the current climate through quantitative and qualitative measures.

  • Through a multi-tiered strategy, create and execute strategic priorities with leadership, key stakeholders, and other team members that is unique to the organization.

  • Identify customized goals and key performance indicators to assess goals and initiatives.

Inclusivity means not ‘just we’re allowed to be there,’ but we are valued. I’ve always said: smart teams will do amazing things, but truly diverse teams will do impossible things.
— Claudia Brind-Woody, IBM Executive