Training & Workshops

Expert Facilitation Services

Dr. Tim provides interactive and engaging learning experiences designed to promote self-reflection, increase cultural humility, and support collegiality. Each workshop will be customized and tailored to your organizational needs. A typical session will consist of an overview of the literature, data and definitions, participant activities/discussions, and actionable next steps. Dr. Tim is available for in-person and virtual 60-minute, 90-minute, and half-day sessions. He has worked with clients on all stages of their DEI, academic, and/or career journey.

Training and Workshop topics:

  • Unconscious Biases (also known as implicit biases) stem from our own environments and life experiences. In this training, we will discuss the science behind unconscious bias, accessing your own biases, and strategies to address your unconscious biases.

  • At the heart of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is to embrace the full human experience of having a sense of belonging and community to connect with. In this workshop, you will become familiar with the literature on sense of belonging as well as hold interactive and engaging discussions on how to build a community where everyone feels comfortable to be authentically themselves.

  • Let’s talk about how your intersecting identities affects many facets of one’s own life. In this workshop, we will discuss how our identities can influence the power and privileges we are granted as well as the oppression others may experience. Lastly, we will discuss the key to unlocking the power of diversity, Allyship.

  • In this training, we will create awareness surrounding the common occurrences of microaggressions and explore the outcomes associated with the experience of microaggressions. We will discover techniques to minimize these occurrences and discuss ways to respond to microaggressions.

  • Learning the unwritten rules of graduate school is essential for success especially for underrepresented students. This workshop will discuss these rules and how to thrive in your first year, and thereby advancing to being “PhinisheD.” In this session, Dr. Tim will offer sage that will help students navigate their first year. In this workshop series , we will cover (i) Goal-setting 101 – Research, Academic, and Career (my IDP), (ii) Project management - Identifying a research topic, advisor and committee for success, (iii) Understanding the cultural practices related to academic success and unspoken expectations.

  • In this interactive session, we will discuss tools and strategies to battle imposter syndrome; dealing with code-switching, and finding support within your desired career field. It is Dr. Tim’s hope that you will leave feeling empowered to show up authentically yourself as you travel along your academic and/or professional journey.

  • This interactive training or workshop series will discuss best practices in mentoring folx from diverse backgrounds. The major outcome for this session will be for participants to leave with the tools to establish a more inclusive and equitable mentoring philosophy/style.

  • In this interactive session, we will focus on the following goals:

    1. Understand your identity and how it influences your biases, perceptions of, and interactions with the Science community ​

    2. Practice identifying and confronting microaggressions and implicit bias demonstrated in the actions of yourself, your peers, or faculty ​

    3. Explore ways to engage with and build a community that is supportive and inclusive of minorities historically underrepresented in the sciences ​

    4. Establish your role as a scientist in continuing this dialogue about community, identity and inclusion in STEM ​

We must create a climate where people agree that human beings are more alike than unalike. The only way to do that is through education.
— Dr. Maya Angelou