— Educator, Speaker, Coach, & Strategist

Driving Growth through Education & Transformation

Dr. Tim provides services that shifts mindsets, enacts change, and elevates inclusion, diversity, equity, and access for educational institutions, professional associations, student organizations, and individuals. Are you ready to take the next step?


Empowering institutions, organizations, and individuals towards a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive future in academia.


As a social justice educator and consultant, Dr. Tim delivers solutions centered in academic research for schools, colleges/university, and businesses to move the needle towards a more just and equitable academy and society.

  • Tim Raines Speaker & Panelist

    Keynote Speaker & Panelist

    Dr. Tim is an engaging public speaker and scholar who offers a unique blend of facts, humor, authenticity, and relatability through storytelling and dialogue.

  • Tim Raines Coach & Consultant

    Coach & Consultant

    Dr. Tim offers a broad and meaningful array of expertise, lived experiences, and perspectives when advising and/or strategic planning with his clients.

  • Tim Raines Facilitator & Trainer

    Expert Facilitator & Trainer

    Dr. Tim creates a brave space during his workshops that empowers all participants to engage in authentic and purposeful conversation.

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”

— President Barak Obama


Dr. Tim’s Clients: